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#58_Boeing 737Max grounded

10 minutes read report, 9 pages


To help speed reading blue is used for new arguments, forecasts are underlined and found at the beginning of each page.

How the forecasts did:

Last week’s arguments to keep the long AUDUSD and EURUSD trades paid off. Exiting USD index short positions at the beginning of the week was premature.

This week’s forecasts are providing little help, as there are no advised entry levels.

Major events of last week:

China passed a new foreign investment law against forced technology transfers.

Major events of next week:


Long trades for EURJPY are favored, but no entry level makes sense.

Strengths of JPY:

Weaknesses of JPY:

Watch / New Releases:


Keep the long AUDUSD trades targeting 0.7211



Watch / New Releases:


Long trades on USDCAD  are favored but no entry level makes sense.


Strengths of CAD:


Weakness of CAD:

Watch / New Releases:



Short trades are favored

Strengths of USD – Risk off points:


Weaknesses of USD -Risk on points:

Watch / New Releases:


Keep the long EURUSD trades

Politics aside (Spain’s elections on April 28 and European election on May 26) wage growth, Italian growth and the German car industry are the decisive factors that drive the European outlook.

The ECB surprised markets by introducing a new TLTRO program that will begin in September 2019 and by changing its forward guidance and eliminating any thoughts for a first rate hike later than December 2019. There were board members favoring a March 2020 communication.

Strengths of EURUSD:


Weaknesses of EURUSD:

Watch / New Releases:


GBP is more likely to strengthen than fall, but no forecast is offered

For the last 7 issues I monotonously repeat that the most probable scenario is the extension of the deadline, new elections and/or  a new referendum. We are currently  2 weeks away from the deadline of Article 50.

“Extending Article 50 could become the U.K. version of the U.S. debt ceiling — perpetually rolling over after periodic political commotion, which people who like to be interesting will say is constructive because it enforces a “healthy debate”. And after that, we will all die.“ This was a well stated point of view of Sid Verma, published on Twitter.





Watch / New Releases:


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